Identification of Target Companies for Strategic Company Acquisitions


There is fierce competition for sensible targets of strategic business acquisitions. And, the acquisition success primarily is determined by the selection of relevant target companies. Strategic market considerations are as important as the due diligence investigations and the legal framework. PM&P is not only specialized in identifying the right company for you, but will support you during the evaluation of suitable prospects as well as the arranging of the negotiation phase.

Together with you, PM&P will develop a clear perspective on the most appropriate acquisition candidates by identifying the key factors for the competitive success of your M&A strategy.

The identification of potential acquisition firms is based on a list of relevant criteria, which will also include detailed information about ideal candidates for different strategic options/scenarios.

Additionally, PM&P’s experience from projects in Europe and North American allow the integration of country specific market characteristics.

To identify potential candidates, PM&P uses its own company database, which enables efficient screening and results in detailed company profiles. These will be discussed with you to prioritize and develop a short-list covering the most appropriate target firms.

The detailed evaluation is the critical part of our services. Our intensive research includes the strategy of potential candidates, competitive positioning, growth opportunities, power of innovation, synergies and integration capacities. We simulate possible acquisition scenarios with each candidate to achieve a greater understanding of potential later integration and reorganization. An intensive study of these market strategic factors is crucial for the success of the acquisition.

On your behalf we will carefully probe the preferences of the acquisition targets (anonymously, if required). We are prepared to enter into any pre-negotiations and to support you during the ongoing acquisition proceedings.

We will be pleased to supply you with relevant references upon request.