Optimization of Retention and Aftercare Within Economic Development

Retention and aftercare are crucial for every EDO. According to the marketing principle “it is easier to retain a client than acquire a new one”, retention and aftercare are some of the most important key tasks for every EDO. With increasing competition among locations, it is becoming even more important.

Economic development authorities must offer and develop services to efficiently secure and develop the existing investments within the location. PM&P successfully helped several states, regions, and cities to develop and design retention and aftercare programs.

The challenge of retention and aftercare is its complexity. There are dozens of measures and actions to keep your investments within your location. Usually, the resources of an economic development authority are limited. We guide our clients to identify the right actions and measures to take, in order to keep your companies and jobs safe.

Important questions you need to ask yourself:

  • What are the company needs within your location?
  • Which organizations should be integrated in your retention program and with what purpose?
  • How does your organization not interfere with other organizations with its retention program?
  • Do we need a one-stop-shop agency for retention and aftercare?
  • What services does my organization offer to companies?
  • Do you offer all services to all companies?
  • Which offered services should I focus on?
  • Do you have a CRM database for your retention program?
  • How can you minimize your costs within your retention program?

Use our know-how to maximize your retention and aftercare program or design a unique one!

We would be pleased to send you references and testimonials.