Resources and Capabilities


PM&P offers full service, including project and survey design consultancy, fieldwork, data processing and analysis, and reporting.

Our fieldwork capabilities:

  • Complete portfolio of data collection techniques (quantitative and qualitative)
  • Dedicated in-house team of recruiters, interviewers, translators, and project supervisors
  • International network of experienced and reliable fieldwork affiliates
  • Compliance with highest quality and data protection standards, ESOMAR and BVM membership

How PM&P can help maximize the value and impact of your market research projects:

  • Over 30 years of industry expertise
  • Knowledge of the market dynamics and competitive environment
  • Familiarity with the laboratory business and relevant diagnostic technologies
  • Experience with international project management
  • A dedicated team of specialists
  • Reports that speak the industry language
  • Insightful conclusions and recommendations

Claudia Hennig

Senior Project Manager