Strategic Investor Searches


PM&P assists companies and EDOs with the development of industrial sites which are to be closed. We strategically identify potential investors and manage the entire sales process. Companies like Michelin, Alstom, ArcelorMittal, Flextronics, Holcim, and several EDOs worldwide have used our services in order to secure jobs.

Companies frequently evaluate and assess the profitability of their subsidiaries. Unfortunately, it is sometimes necessary for them to be closed. In that case, the company, as well as the region, is facing a complex and difficult situation.

PM&P is one of the most experienced consulting companies with 40 years of project know-how in this field of expertise. We know how to turn divestment into investment. In many cases, with our unique approach, we are able to strategically realign the site’s positioning and create a new future-oriented roadmap for the location and its surroundings.

We assist the affected EDO as well as the company which is responsible for the shutdown of the site.

Benefits for the company:

  • Image and awareness: Engaging in such a project shows respect for the location and staff. Furthermore, the company preserves its image and shows awareness of the needs of the community.
  • New prospects for the staff: The company takes responsibility for their staff and offers excellent future opportunities.
  • Offer toward labor: By conducting a revitalization program, and searching for new investors for the old site, companies can reduce the pressure from organized labor.
  • PR and marketing: PM&P develops a strategy to communicate the closure and communicates with all relevant stakeholders, including the press and unions.
  • Costs: With a new investor taking over the site, costs can be reduced. The new investor might take over the staff, the property, and machines belonging to the subsidiary in question.

Benefits for the site and economic development:

  • Jobs: By hiring PM&P to identify a new investor, the jobs will stay at the site.
  • New projects and clients: As part of our program for revitalizing the site, PM&P will approach not only large enterprises, but also small and medium sized companies. In the process of reaching out to potential investors, new projects might be identified.
  • New technologies: During the process of identifying new investors, we always target new technologies. This approach attracts new technologies and supports the technological diversity within the site.

Key success factors for our projects:

  • In order to conduct a successful revitalization project, it is necessary to gain a thorough understanding of the site, competing sites, and the investment potential.
  • Potential investors are looking for opportunities, not locations. PM&P will develop a compelling value proposition for potential investors.
  • The impact and awareness for every revitalization project is much better if the site in question and its surrounding sites work together.
  • Revitalization projects are extensive and intensive projects. Every stakeholder should understand that a successful outcome will take time. Therefore, PM&P suggests a usual project timeframe of two to three years.
  • Losing an employer is a huge loss for every location and draws a lot of attention. Therefore, it is very important to have a well-designed communication strategy toward all relevant stakeholders.
  • A successful revitalization project always includes both the EDO and company in question. It is very important to get the local and regional politicians, trade unions, and chambers on board.
  • The most important key factor is timing. The earlier a revitalization project is launched, the higher the chance the project will be successful.

PM&P would be delighted if you wish to contact us, and will gladly provide you with further references and information.