Strategic Partner Search


PM&P helps you to identify strategic business partners in your key markets, regardless of which type of partnership you are looking for (e.g., with manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, licensees, sales representatives, research collaborations, etc.). PM&P will offer an appropriate service and strategic advice in all related matters.

Our service includes the identification of short-listed business partners, the creation of individual company profiles, and outreach to those potential partners. Potential partners can first be identified and selected with regard to our client’s needs. Then, we offer comprehensive assistance during negotiations with possible candidates.

Our process:

  • Preparation and definition of the general conditions
  • Familiarizing ourselves with the client’s product or service
  • Identification of potential partners
  • Developing a first report and presenting the progress
  • First direct approach and conversation with potential partners
  • Evaluation and presentation of the final report

The benefits for our clients:

  • Assistance with the preliminary work of selecting potential partners within the target market
  • The specified and individualized cluster ensures that our client is complementary with the potential partner in terms of size, distribution, and corporate culture
  • Our anonymous approach guarantees our client’s privacy

PM&P's offices - in Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin and Chicago - can be used for partnership negotiations.